Object defineProperty()

Avaliable from ECMAScript 5.1.

var testObj = {a : 'hello'};

//same as testObj.b = 'hello b'
// except
// you cannot enum it
// you cannot config
// you cannot write
Object.defineProperty(testObj, 'b',{
  value:'hello b'
  //other options available
  //enumerable //default false
  //writable // default false
  //configurable //default false

  //set : function()
  //get : function()

console.log(testObj.a);//outputs 'hello'
console.log(testObj.b);//outputs 'hello b'

//try to write but cannot
testObj.b = 'new b'
console.log(testObj.b);// ouputs 'hello b'

//try to enum  but cannot see
for(x in testObj){
};//only outputs a

//cannot config i.e. not deletable
delete testObj.a;
delete testObj.b;

console.log(testObj.a);// undefined
console.log(testObj.b);// ouputs 'hello b'

So Object.defineProperty is a very useful method that can modify a given object giving you control over the properties of the object. You can additional set getter's and setter's.

Watch out for the difference between configuarable and writable. One is deletable and changable the later is only changeable with an assignement operator.

For more reading see:

MDN Object.defineProperty()