Strict Mode

strict mode is a way to opt in to a restricted variant of JavaScript, this was introduced in ECMAscript 5. To use strict mode just place 'use strict'; before any statements or with in a function.

Some Key Changes

  1. Makes debugging easier by highlighting/throwing errors for common mistakes/typos.

  2. Prevents accidental globals.

                             // Assuming a global variable mistypedVariable exists
    mistypedVaraible = 17;   // this line throws a ReferenceError due to the
                             // mispelling of variable
  3. Throws error deletion of undeletable properties.

    "use strict";
    delete Object.prototype; // throws a TypeError
  4. Disallows duplicate property names or parameter values.

    "use strict";
    //property name
    var o = { p: 1, p: 2 }; // !!! syntax error
    //Parameter name
    function sum(a, a, c){ // !!! syntax error
     "use strict";
      return a + b + c; // wrong if this code ran
  5. Makes eval() safer. Variables and functions declared inside of an eval() statement are not created in the containing scope, strict mode also forbids deleting plain names.

    "use strict";
    eval("var x; delete x;"); // !!! syntax error

For more reading see:

MDN Strict Mode

MDN Strict Mode Transition